"What kind of friend am I? Actually, I think I mean what kind of person am I? What kind of friend, sister, stepsister, daughter, stepdaughter? I'm not always a very good person. I know that. But sometimes I can't help it."
In "Dawn" it is based off of a journal and told by a middle school girl named Dawn. She talks about her life, school and her friends. She is in the 8th grade and the school she goes to is very over crowded so they have to move into the High School to make room. Dawn and her best friends, Sunny, Jill and Maggie have a tough time with the transition but one day they find a note in their locker inviting them to a party. The girls go to a sleepover at Jill's house and everyone but Jill sneak out of the house to go to the party. The party gets over when the cops turn up and the girls try to run away. They make it but Sunny is very drunk and the next day everyone finds out that the upperclassmen held the party as a prank to see what the 8th graders would do. They also called the cops to get the 8th graders in trouble. In the end no one gets in trouble and everything works out.
In my opinion this wasn't the best book. Since the text it can be a little hard to read some of the words because they scrunch up together. It dragged on a little and didn't really hold my attention. Even though it is about 8th grade girls I think that it is more focused on a younger age range.
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