Monday, January 10, 2011

Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins

Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins
Publisher: Scholastic
Release Date: September 1, 2009
Rating: 5/5

"Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark won the annual competition described in Hunger Games, but the aftermath leaves these victors with no sense of triumph. Instead, they have become the poster boys for a rebellion that they never planned to lead. That new, unwanted status puts them in the bull's-eye for merciless revenge by The Capitol."

Wow! What can I say other then that this was amazing! The characters were awsome, the plot was amazing, and there was so many twists and turns that kept wanting me to read more and more.

The characters grew so much more in this book then the first one. I think that you really could figure out who they really were. Katniss and Peeta kept going along with that "love" thing they had going on. To the extreme, I should say.

There were so many unexpected things that happened in this book and in the middle I was not expecting was happend. My jaw dropped! I was like "NO! That can't happen!" But what happened really showed that the Capitol really would go to the extreme.

I loved everything that happened. From the begining there was a lot of action and suspense. Lots of different things happened and some for the better, and some for the worse.

I can't wait to read Mockingjay and figure out what happend because I am just so anxious to know!


  1. Sounds so good! Great review too! I can't believe I haven't read this series. I know *GASPS*
    Love the blog!

  2. I'm about to start reading this series, I've heard a lot of really good things about it!

    And I LOVE your blog and your videos! You inspired me to start my own book blog, too! :D Check me out sometime!

    xx Fran

  3. i am a grad student info info studies/library school and just finished HG. ppl in class are complaining about the sequel, saying it was way different and not as good. HG was great and i know CF will be too, and your review just furthers that; thanks. going to get a copy today; go district 12!
